Lizzy started her new year during the first week of 2020 with a new career as a Community Support Worker - Family Start. When asked what she likes most about her role Lizzy said she likes being able to go out into the Community to help our young mums/dad build a good future for themselves & their children/whānau.
A change from Lizzy’s previous role as Manager at McDonald’s Havelock North, Lizzy sees her new role as a Community Support Worker - Family Start working Monday to Friday giving her some 'extra time' to get back to doing what she used to love, which is spending time with her whānau, Zumba, getting active & going to church.
“When life is getting hard, don’t give up, keep going - life will get better!” says Lizzy. “When you need help, reach out. Don’t sit there dwelling, ask for help”.
When asked what her greatest achievement in life is so far, Lizzy said, her whānau. Her husband David Keenan - without him she said she would not have been able to attain her greatest achievements in her life, which are her three children. Lester Iesha Tammy, her eldest who has two children (Lizzy’s mokopuna), Hinewaimarie (9 years old) & Lester Te Raumati Riwai, (1 year old) who they call R.J. Her middle child Sharnel & with a 13 year gap, her youngest Rewi. Lizzy says she cannot forget her awesome son in-law Riwai as well.
Lizzy has a Diploma in Teaching (Te Wananga o Raukawa) & a Certificate in Te Ara Reo Māori (Te Wananga o Aotearoa).