Rangatahi - Our next generation, our next Leaders.
Community Support Worker
Joined the team September 2021
Ko Ngāti Tū me Ngāti Karauria ngā hapū. Ko Ngāti Kahungunu me Ngāti Tuwharetoa ngā iwi.
When Tess was asked if she had a message for the community, her response was "please seek help when needed. You are not alone. I am here to help and connect you. You are valued and you matter".
Outside of mahi Tess enjoys physical activities; being out in tangaroa (ocean) & te ngahere (the forest); spending quality time with her babies and whanau and; being involved in Wānanga.
Tess's greatest achievement in life so far is being blessed with her babies.
Tess holds a Certificate in Hospitality & a Certificate in Social Services, and she's half-way through completing her Social Work Degree.