Te Kupenga Hauora – Ahuriri’s School Based Nurse, Te Rina Murphy goes into Maraenui Bilingual Kura, Marewa School, Richmond School, Te Awa Primary and William Colenso College.
Working with each of them in the best way for their school, tamariki and whānau, she has noticed asthma and respiratory conditions affect a high number of tauira (students) and is mindful of the role spring allergies can have on these, especially coming out of a winter that has seen Hawke’s Bay hospital full, due to such conditions.
But by working with the school, student and whānau Te Rina has real positive impact. Karena-Keri Karauria (7) from Maraenui Bilingual Kura was having a particularly wheezy day that was picked up when Te Rina visited her classroom for a routine throat, ears and general health check. “I like to run clinic in the classroom for the little ones as they can feel a bit isolated if I take them out of their familiar environment,” she explains. Noticing how wheezy Karena-Keri was Te Rina asked her if she knew what made her cough and what inhalers she took and when. It turns out that a cold had affected her asthma and Te Rina was really impressed with her knowledge of her condition.
Since then Te Rina has sent a letter home to her caregiver, worked with her Kaiako (teacher) and the school about how best to manage and followed up with the whānau as well Karena-Keri’s brother Icsys (10) about his asthma. The effort is helping to keep both well and at school.
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